Highland Business Loans


How long does the online application process take?

The application has three part: About the Business, About the Applicant and Use of Funds. These all should not take more than 15 minutes to fill out! Click Here to do so.

How long do I have to wait to hear back from you?

Application processing could take up to 5 business days. We will contact you and let you know whether you were approved or not.

What If I don't need the full Loan?

You can use what you need, when you need it. You only pay back for the capital used.

What if I have another business loan?

We can work with that, however you need to specify so in your application. Click here to apply

I own a business that wasn't listed under your Preferred Businesses, can I still apply?

By all means! Tell us about your business in your application and we will try to get you funding to make it grow! Apply here